Power of Attorney

There are times in a person’s life when that person may need someone else to make important decisions on their behalf, especially as elderly loved ones reach their twilight years or if a family member has special needs. In these situations, a power of attorney is an incredibly important document to have in an estate plan. Knowledgeable Florida estate planning and guardianship attorneys, like those at The Soto Law Firm in Altamonte Springs, are highly qualified to assist in the drafting of a power of attorney form that fits your unique needs. To learn more, call or contact our office today.
What is a Power of Attorney?
A power of attorney is a document that gives an agent the authority to make certain decisions on behalf of someone else, known as the principal. In most cases, the designated agent is allowed to make financial and legal decisions on the principal’s behalf especially when they are unable to do so for themselves, but a power of attorney can be as comprehensive or specific in duties as the principal would prefer. Some of the most common reasons for utilizing a power of attorney are when a loved one starts suffering from dementia, serious or terminal illness, substantial injury, and for someone who has special needs.
Types of Power of Attorney
There are different types of a power of attorney, and a knowledgeable lawyer can help determine which is right for your situation. An extensive power of attorney gives an agent broad powers to make all types of financial and legal decisions on a principal’s behalf. A limited power of attorney limits the agent’s authority to specific transactions or decisions. A durable power of attorney remains in place even after the principal’s incapacity, allowing the agent to continue to make decisions for them. Talk to an experienced attorney today to determine which is right for your estate plan and current situation.
Talk to The Soto Law Office
If you have additional questions or would like excellent legal assistance with drafting a power of attorney form for an estate plan, call the office or contact us today at The Soto Law Office to schedule a consultation.